What is TechOmaha?

TechOmaha is mainly two things:
1) An event calendar for Tech events in the Omaha area
2) A repository of video recordings of user group meetings (and probably some photo galleries)

Why TechOmaha?

I created TechOmaha so you can easily see what events are coming up this week. I am passionate about sharing knowledge, so I put video recordings on the site so those that can’t attend in person can still participate. And so people from outside the Omaha area can see what cool things we are up to.

Why videos? Why not screencasts?

It is true that slides & code are easier to read on a screencast rather than a video recording. But I try to do video recordings whenever possible because so much is lost when you cannot see the speaker. Garr Reynolds, author of popular presentation books such as Presentation Zen and The Naked Presenter, has written this about sharing presentations online: “I believe the best methods will allow the viewer to see the person speaking… Seeing the presenter is important. Facial expressions, for example, are a very important channel for non-verbal communication

The TED organization also recommends recording with video.

How can I help?

I’d love to find a designer willing to give the site a custom look and feel. For now this WordPress theme will have to do. I also need help with content. If you run (or even attend) a user group, you can help by recording the meetings. If you need equipment, contact me and I’ll see what I can do to help. Also if you can hook me up with equipment (loaned or donated) that would be great too. I could use a wireless mic.

What equipment do you use?

When I started this project, I knew a uStream recording done with a webcam and on-board microphone wasn’t going to cut it. I’ve watched presentations recorded on how-res cameras and its very hard to read the screen. So I bought a Canon HD camcorder that has an external mic input, and a wide angle lens. I place that on a high quality video tripod. Then I use a long cable and put a good microphone near the presenter. After the meeting I use Sony Vegas to add opening credits, clean up the audio, and sometimes do color correction.